Eccentric outfits of ordinary consumers in American shopping

Categories: Fashion | North America | Positive |

I'm sure many know that feeling when the house suddenly was not milk, and morning coffee is a must, so we must quickly run to the supermarket. And wear terribly lazy, so you will not hesitate to pull that arm caught.

We think that this can explain the appearance of most of the heroes of this post. In the US, where supermarkets buyers come, to put it mildly, fancy-dressed, great variety. There is even a website where to post these pictures.

Eccentric outfits of ordinary consumers in American shopping
Eccentric outfits of ordinary consumers in American shopping
" /> The child is obviously tired.

Eccentric outfits of ordinary consumers in American shopping
" /> Here we don't even know what kind of shoes such. Like hooves.

Eccentric outfits of ordinary consumers in American shopping
" /> What is the function of this garment, we do not understand.
Eccentric outfits of ordinary consumers in American shopping
" /> Security guards of a supermarket having fun.

Eccentric outfits of ordinary consumers in American shopping
" /> This photo posted with the caption: "A Tina Turner-we haven't aged a day".

Eccentric outfits of ordinary consumers in American shopping
" /> There is already a conscious choice — my father was trying to show my daughters their point of view. The jacket is written: "Ask my daughters, do they still have that short shorts are cute".

Eccentric outfits of ordinary consumers in American shopping
" /> Life hack, if you need both hands.

Eccentric outfits of ordinary consumers in American shopping
" /> In one of the American shopping network Spar, the man stopped the horse.
Eccentric outfits of ordinary consumers in American shopping
" /> Dude.

Eccentric outfits of ordinary consumers in American shopping
" /> Someone's letting his hair grow, and someone is the tail.

Eccentric outfits of ordinary consumers in American shopping

On the left, it seems, just back from the beach. Or im just hot. And on the right the guy decided for some reason to wear a sign with a swastika.

Keywords: Walmart | Shops | Clothes | Customers | Funny | Supermarket | Trash

