Drawings come to life: grandparents through the eyes of children

Categories: Photo project |

Yoni Lefévre, a design academy student from the Netherlands, thought about how old age is represented in modern visual culture. In stereotypical thinking, old people are represented as weak and helpless. How do their own grandchildren see them?

Yoni asked four children to portray their grandparents as they imagine them to be. Not a single drawing showed an elderly, gloomy or inactive hero, on the contrary, bright sketches depict playing tennis, planting flowers, and even juggling grandparents.

(Total 9 photos)

Drawings come to life: grandparents through the eyes of children

The 'grey power' photo project, designed by Dutch designer Yoni Lefebvre, aims to show the older generation through the eyes of children. It turned out that kids see their grandparents almost as superhuman.

Drawings come to life: grandparents through the eyes of children

1. Grandmother of 10-year-old Raf Molin

Drawings come to life: grandparents through the eyes of children

2. But the grandmother herself "in the flesh."

Drawings come to life: grandparents through the eyes of children

3. This is how Anna sees her grandfather (11 years old)

Drawings come to life: grandparents through the eyes of children

4. Anna's grandfather tries to match the drawing

Drawings come to life: grandparents through the eyes of children

5. Lance (11 years old) portrayed his grandmother

Drawings come to life: grandparents through the eyes of children

6. His grandmother, in turn, plants flowers

Drawings come to life: grandparents through the eyes of children

7. Roel (11 years old) portrayed his grandfather

Drawings come to life: grandparents through the eyes of children

8. His grandfather playing tennis

Drawings come to life: grandparents through the eyes of children

9. This mini-project is called "Grey Power".

The young artists' charming and honest look at the older generation redefines the image of the elderly, making it dynamic and included in modern life.

Author's comments: “Older people are losing their independence, they are pushed aside. But I see tremendous value in what this generation has to offer us.”

Keywords: Grandchildren | Drawings | Old people

