Donkeys who ate expensive seedlings were jailed in India

Categories: Animals |

The crime of the herd of donkeys was that they ate seedlings that were being prepared for planting on the prison grounds.

Donkeys who ate expensive seedlings were jailed in India
Source: The Times Of India

Donkeys who ate expensive seedlings were jailed in India

The management of the Orai prison in the Jalaun district was going to improve the territory. Seedlings worth 60,000 rupees (54 thousand rubles) were purchased for this event. But it was not possible to decorate the territory, because a herd of eight donkeys ate the seedlings.

The four-legged criminals were caught and sent into custody for four days.

Donkeys who ate expensive seedlings were jailed in India

The owner of the herd started looking for the missing animals and found them in prison. He even met with the warden of the prison, begging to release the criminals. But he was refused.

They agreed to release the donkeys only after a representative of the ruling party intervened in the case, who made a deposit for the animals.

Keywords: India | Donkeys | Crime | Criminals | Prison

