Don't feed the pigeons or you'll be sorry!

Categories: Society |

Many people love to feed pigeons. You throw yourself bread, it would seem that you are doing a good deed, feeding hungry birds. It's funny to watch how they all run together for one bread crumb, but only one gets it.

When you start to feed the pigeons, first one flies, then the second, the third ... and now a whole flock of them is gathering. And such a fun pastime as feeding pigeons can turn into a real hell.

(Total 22 photos)

Don't feed the pigeons or you'll be sorry!

Don't feed the pigeons or you'll be sorry!

1. They are already here…

Don't feed the pigeons or you'll be sorry!

2. They get together.

Don't feed the pigeons or you'll be sorry!

3. And in many places there are even signs “Do not feed the pigeons”.

Don't feed the pigeons or you'll be sorry!

4. But people keep doing it no matter what!

Don't feed the pigeons or you'll be sorry!

5. Run, girls!

Don't feed the pigeons or you'll be sorry!

6. For what, Lord, for what???

Don't feed the pigeons or you'll be sorry!

7. Throw bread, otherwise you will die.

Don't feed the pigeons or you'll be sorry!

8. He is already there!

Don't feed the pigeons or you'll be sorry!

9. This guy is beyond help.

Don't feed the pigeons or you'll be sorry!

10. Save at least the children.

Don't feed the pigeons or you'll be sorry!

11. Just not in the face.

Don't feed the pigeons or you'll be sorry!

12. It's not funny anymore!

Don't feed the pigeons or you'll be sorry!

13. Help on the way - shout louder.

Don't feed the pigeons or you'll be sorry!

14. Freeze. Perhaps he will save your life.

Don't feed the pigeons or you'll be sorry!

15. Just don't tell them where your parents live.

Don't feed the pigeons or you'll be sorry!

16. Khan to us!

Don't feed the pigeons or you'll be sorry!

17. Girl, you are going through hell. Do not stop!

Don't feed the pigeons or you'll be sorry!

18. They will revel in your tears and only get stronger. Run!

Don't feed the pigeons or you'll be sorry!

19. They won't stop until they eat you.

Don't feed the pigeons or you'll be sorry!

20. Shh, let them fly to the next victim.

Don't feed the pigeons or you'll be sorry!

21. Mom, I no longer want to feed the pigeons.

Don't feed the pigeons or you'll be sorry!

22. And even when they fly away, this will remain ...

Keywords: Doves | Birds

