Did it seem? 22 photos of things that look like other things

Categories: Positive | World |

Sometimes the subconscious mind likes to play games with us. A perfect example of this is the funny optical illusions that occur in everyday life and make your brain strain.… The photos below, at first glance, do not represent anything interesting. But if you look closely and turn on the imagination, they will acquire a completely different meaning.

Did it seem? 22 photos of things that look like other things
Did it seem? 22 photos of things that look like other things

"This potato looks like an ugly thumb."

Did it seem? 22 photos of things that look like other things

"I would not like to fly on this plane..."

Did it seem? 22 photos of things that look like other things

"The seller was not deceived when he said that this handbag would perfectly complement my image."

Did it seem? 22 photos of things that look like other things

"I can't understand, are these scissors happy that they are finally free, or are they upset after all?"

Did it seem? 22 photos of things that look like other things

You see it too, don't you?

Did it seem? 22 photos of things that look like other things

"I have a whole collection of "coffee faces". Here is one of the last."

Did it seem? 22 photos of things that look like other things

"Someone turned around near my house and left this in the snow."

Did it seem? 22 photos of things that look like other things

The city is falling asleep, the mafia is waking up.

Did it seem? 22 photos of things that look like other things

It seems that the zombie apocalypse will come along with spring.

Did it seem? 22 photos of things that look like other things

"I was baking pancakes and saw Mike Wazowski."

Did it seem? 22 photos of things that look like other things

What a cute smile this guy has!

Did it seem? 22 photos of things that look like other things

A telephone cord that feels like a treble clef.

Did it seem? 22 photos of things that look like other things

On the chill, on the lawn.

Did it seem? 22 photos of things that look like other things

The lamp in the dentist's office looks like a bull.

Did it seem? 22 photos of things that look like other things

A bearded man hid in the reflection of the turtle.

Did it seem? 22 photos of things that look like other things

"I saw a firebird in the sky today."

Did it seem? 22 photos of things that look like other things

Why is she so surprised?

Did it seem? 22 photos of things that look like other things

"Today at work I saw this cute monkey holding his head."

Did it seem? 22 photos of things that look like other things

How much pain there is in this photo.

Did it seem? 22 photos of things that look like other things

"I came across a very friendly butter."

Did it seem? 22 photos of things that look like other things

"The fermented dough revived my nightmares."

Did it seem? 22 photos of things that look like other things

These packages are clearly upset about something.

