Catch, big fish: the beauty and horror of the monstrous shark fishing championship

What is not hidden in the depths of the sea! Fishermen who go to sea for a catch have been superstitious people since ancient times, because when you are left alone with the elements, you begin to seriously fear for your life. Many signs and traditions have accompanied fishermen for centuries. However, nowadays, when many of the prejudices and stereotypes of the past have sunk into oblivion, sea fishing acquires new features. For example, in the state of Rhode Island, which is part of the New England region, for the second year, together with representatives of the community of marine biologists of the East Coast of the USA, a championship for catching monstrous sharks is being held. This is a great example of how competitiveness helps scientific research and charity.

(12 photos in total)

Catch, big fish: the beauty and horror of the monstrous shark fishing championship

In this article we present the story of photographer Maggie Shannon, who visited the monstrous shark fishing championship.

Catch, big fish: the beauty and horror of the monstrous shark fishing championship

"For the last two years in the summer I came to the city of Newport, Rhode Island, watching hundreds of fishermen from the East Coast participate in the monster shark fishing championship. The championship moved to Newport in 2014, before that it was held in the city of Oak Bluffs, or rather - on the island of Martha's Vineyard, which is six kilometers from Cape Cod in southeastern Massachusetts.

Catch, big fish: the beauty and horror of the monstrous shark fishing championship

As a child who grew up on this island, I always looked forward to the start of the championship, but 2 years ago the city council decided that the local population no longer needed this "circus", and the atmosphere of drunken festivities is unacceptable for the neighborhood.

Catch, big fish: the beauty and horror of the monstrous shark fishing championship

For the first two days, the fishermen, having formed teams, go to sea before dawn, and return in the afternoon so that the judges can weigh their catch. While the other boats are patiently waiting for their turn, the organizers of the championship tie a rope to the tail of each shark and put it on the weighing platform. As a result, only the largest fish are presented to the public.

Catch, big fish: the beauty and horror of the monstrous shark fishing championship

The rules of the International Association of Game Fishing, introduced in order to promote the practice of ethical attitude to fishing, apply at the Monster Shark Fishing Championship. Strict fishing rules are designed to ensure that the event has minimal impact on the shark population. Scientists and researchers are also present at the championship: they collect the necessary samples. The captains of the boats, in turn, can choose what to do with the catch: keep it for themselves, donate to a local charity food fund or give it to the needs of science. The tournament provides invaluable samples for biologists from all over the East Coast.

Catch, big fish: the beauty and horror of the monstrous shark fishing championship

The event, of course, may seem quite bloody to many, but it is difficult to see an outright brutal massacre in the championship. The way a marine biologist rips open a shark's belly looks pretty ruthless, but there is still something terrifyingly beautiful about watching these creatures from such a close distance and seeing not only their strength, but also their weakness.

Catch, big fish: the beauty and horror of the monstrous shark fishing championship

My memories of the protesters on the island of Martha's Vineyard, rushing at the organizers of the championship, prevent me from telling about the event impartially, but, on the other hand, my nostalgia and reverence for the beauty of the sea giants prevent me from looking away."

Catch, big fish: the beauty and horror of the monstrous shark fishing championship


Catch, big fish: the beauty and horror of the monstrous shark fishing championship


Catch, big fish: the beauty and horror of the monstrous shark fishing championship


Catch, big fish: the beauty and horror of the monstrous shark fishing championship


Catch, big fish: the beauty and horror of the monstrous shark fishing championship


Catch, big fish: the beauty and horror of the monstrous shark fishing championship

Keywords: Sharks | Atlantic ocean | Sea | Fishing | Competitions | Usa | Championship

