Cat with a cat: the creativity of nature on purrs

Categories: Animals | Positive |

Patterns in the form of hearts and whiskers on the fur of cats, different eye color or a funny facial expression are rare phenomena in nature. This is due to a gene mutation, just as new breeds are obtained.

The Internet is full of cats dressed up in coats and skirts, and painted in all the colors of the rainbow. But these attempts of the owners to distinguish their pet from the rest look amateurish and tasteless compared to how nature itself does it.

See a selection of photos of cats that can boast of a wonderful color, which they have since birth.

Cat with a cat: the creativity of nature on purrs
Cat with a cat: the creativity of nature on purrs

A cat with a cat on its back.

Cat with a cat: the creativity of nature on purrs

Venus, a two-faced cat.

Cat with a cat: the creativity of nature on purrs

Sam, the cat with the eyebrows.

Cat with a cat: the creativity of nature on purrs

A mustachioed cat.

Cat with a cat: the creativity of nature on purrs

Fordy, the cat with the beard.

Cat with a cat: the creativity of nature on purrs

A cat with a bang.

Cat with a cat: the creativity of nature on purrs

A cat with a monkey on its back.

Cat with a cat: the creativity of nature on purrs

A cat with a heart.

Cat with a cat: the creativity of nature on purrs

A kitten with a hat.

Keywords: Cats | Color

