Book Carving

A talented artist and designer from Germany, Alexander Korzer-Robinson is engaged in carving old books, turning them into amazing works of art. He makes sculptures - collages with three-dimensional collages, using only the illustrations found in the book. Alexander works mainly with encyclopedias.

Book Carving

Korzer-Robinson mercilessly cuts the pages of the "storerooms of knowledge", carefully selecting illustrations, from which he then creates interesting collages, combining them into interesting collages. At the same time, the images remain in the places where they were in the full book.

Book Carving

Book Carving

After the artist has worked on the book, you can no longer open the book, he glues it, seals it around the perimeter. After all, his works are not intended for reading – they should hang on the wall, or stand on a shelf as a separate art object. 

Book Carving

So books that lose their practical value gain a new purpose. These are no longer tools of knowledge about the world, but rather a means of obtaining an inner view of oneself.

Book Carving
Book Carving
Book Carving
Book Carving
Book Carving
Book Carving
Book Carving
Book Carving
Book Carving
