Best Vizhulitsa Photos of 2013
Sometimes in the world around us you can see funny features that cheer you up: for example, faces with a wide variety of facial expressions.
We have collected some of the most "expressive" faces in random photos:
(Total 18 photos)
1. “Revived backpack”
2. Sinister Lightning
3. Vegetables are a popular source for these types of photos.
4. Another incarnation of Munch's painting "The Scream"
5. Strictly
6. Still, sometimes flying is dangerous.
7. “On the roof of the house…”
8. Coffeetoad
9. Happy couple
10. Feeling sad
11. Russian stove
12. Nature, of course, also has many different faces.
13. And clothes
14. Laughing plane
15. Indecent flower
16. Great view
17. And again a vegetable
18. Whole installation
Keywords: Face | Facial expression