Belt survivors: 10 magnificent photos that will convince you to wear

Categories: Auto | Photo project |

In New Zealand launched a project called "buckle up and live", which contains collected stories of people involved in accidents and survivors through the seat belt. For portraits starred real people who have suffered in the crash, whose injuries were recreated with the help of makeup.

Belt survivors: 10 magnificent photos that will convince you to wear
Belt survivors: 10 magnificent photos that will convince you to wear

These shocking portraits show the power saving seat belts. When a serious accident, they often leave this big bruises — that is the price of lives saved. Not hard to guess what would have ended the crash, if people were not wearing seat belts.

Belt survivors: 10 magnificent photos that will convince you to wear
Belt survivors: 10 magnificent photos that will convince you to wear

The project involved real people who survived the car accident, their injuries were recreated SFF-company PROFX.

Belt survivors: 10 magnificent photos that will convince you to wear

Belt survivors: 10 magnificent photos that will convince you to wear

The initiative to create these portraits belong to the transport Agency New Zealand. The sponsors wanted this campaign to reduce deaths on the roads. Statistics say that 90% of deaths in accidents happen because drivers and passengers are not wearing seat belts.

Belt survivors: 10 magnificent photos that will convince you to wear

The portraits were hung on billboards across the country, and the heroes of the project recorded their emotional stories of survival in the video. The project motivated people to share their own stories that demonstrate the importance of safety.

Belt survivors: 10 magnificent photos that will convince you to wear

Belt survivors: 10 magnificent photos that will convince you to wear

Belt survivors: 10 magnificent photos that will convince you to wear

Belt survivors: 10 magnificent photos that will convince you to wear

Belt survivors: 10 magnificent photos that will convince you to wear

Keywords: Car | Crash | Rescue | Security | Photo | Car accidents | Car crash | Australia and New Zealand

