As the son of zatrollit of believing parents a portrait of the Jedi

Ryan Buchanan grew up in Utah in a very religious family of Mormons. Apparently, parents are too much bothered him in his childhood religion, because, as an adult, Ryan came up with a very fat trolling, palming off his portrait of the Jedi Obi-WAN Kenobi is Jesus.

As the son of zatrollit of believing parents a portrait of the Jedi
As the son of zatrollit of believing parents a portrait of the Jedi

Ryan Buchanan from Utah grew up in a religious family of Mormons. From childhood he was accustomed to portraits of Jesus, which the parents hung around the house. Therefore, they found it quite natural Christmas gift from my son — another portrait of the Savior, and warmly thanked him.

Now the portrait hangs on the front seat in the house. That's just Ryan's parents do not realize that the picture the actor Ewan McGregor in the role of Obi-WAN Kenobi from "Star war classic the clothes of a Jedi.

As the son of zatrollit of believing parents a portrait of the Jedi

Giving a gift, Ryan advance including a camera to capture the reaction of the parents. They were in awe!

Considering the picture, Ryan's parents have not missed a single detail, especially noting the professional performance of the painting and the fact that this portrait they had never seen.

As the son of zatrollit of believing parents a portrait of the Jedi

The portrait was decided immediately to hang on the wall, which was done immediately.

As the son of zatrollit of believing parents a portrait of the Jedi

According to Ryan, in his heart he is a real prankster! And judging by the joke, he's far from the truth.

As the son of zatrollit of believing parents a portrait of the Jedi

It was, incidentally, not the first case when McGregor in the role of Obi-WAN Kenobi took for Jesus. One Reddit user said his brother in a similar way laughed at the ultra-Orthodox parents, replacing hanging in the house a portrait of Jesus portrait of Obi-WAN. The parents never noticed.

Even the Mormon Church, one of swoosh printing brochures, put the same portrait of the actor on the cover, the images of Jesus. Later, the Church tried to argue that I know who is depicted in the portrait, but did not believe them.

Keywords: Portrait | Parents | A joke | Son

