An unusual friendship between a giant turtle and a three-legged calf

Categories: Animals |

The African spur-bearing turtle Leonardo got into the Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (Wildlife Friends Foundation in Thailand, WFFT) rescue center in 2013, and the calf Simon got here in January 2016. A part of the calf's hoof broke off due to the fact that he got tangled in plants, and the shelter staff made him a prosthesis. At first, he was placed in a large open meadow to recover, and they planned to send him to two other rescued cows. But then the unexpected happened…

An unusual friendship between a giant turtle and a three-legged calf
Source: Bored Panda

An unusual friendship between a giant turtle and a three-legged calf

Simon the calf got into the reserve when he seriously injured his hoof by getting stuck in creepers.

An unusual friendship between a giant turtle and a three-legged calf

Leonardo, an African spur-bearing turtle, has been rescued from Bangkok Zoo.

An unusual friendship between a giant turtle and a three-legged calf

An extraordinary event happened in the reserve: a calf met a turtle…

An unusual friendship between a giant turtle and a three-legged calf

...and they became best friends!

An unusual friendship between a giant turtle and a three-legged calf

"Surprisingly for all of us, a strong bond has formed between Simon the calf and Leonardo the turtle," the employees of the reserve tell WFFT Rescue Center.

An unusual friendship between a giant turtle and a three-legged calf

They add that animals are inseparable.

An unusual friendship between a giant turtle and a three-legged calf

"They often follow each other, eat and relax together. We hope that this unusual friendship will continue to develop."

Keywords: Friendship | Nature reserve | Rescue | Thailand | Turtles

