American who killed a famous lion caused a fury on the Internet and closed his dental office

Categories: Africa | Animals | Society | Travel |

Cecil the lion, 13, was a celebrity in Zimbabwe's Hwange National Park until he was killed by US dentist Walter Palmer, who paid $55,000 for the treat. Animal rights activists around the world have been furious - the reaction has been so strong that Palmer's site is now down and the windows in his dental office are curtained.

Palmer paid a guide to lure the lion out of the park at night. He wounded him with a bow, but the lion died only after 40 hours of hunting. The beast was then beheaded and skinned. Palmer is currently under criminal investigation in Zimbabwe. He is believed to be in the USA.

Palmer himself, meanwhile, issued a statement: “I relied on local professional guides who promised to provide legal hunting ... I deeply regret that because of my hobby, which I do with all responsibility and respecting the law, this lion died.”

Now, after Cecil's death, there is a high probability that other males will kill the 24 cubs left after him in the pride.

(Total 12 photos)

American who killed a famous lion caused a fury on the Internet and closed his dental office
Source: Boredpanda

American who killed a famous lion caused a fury on the Internet and closed his dental office

American who killed a famous lion caused a fury on the Internet and closed his dental office

American who killed a famous lion caused a fury on the Internet and closed his dental office

American who killed a famous lion caused a fury on the Internet and closed his dental office

American who killed a famous lion caused a fury on the Internet and closed his dental office

American who killed a famous lion caused a fury on the Internet and closed his dental office

Local residents brought flowers and toys to Palmer's place of work in memory of the deceased animal. The inscription on the plate - "You are a coward and a murderer!"

American who killed a famous lion caused a fury on the Internet and closed his dental office

American who killed a famous lion caused a fury on the Internet and closed his dental office

American who killed a famous lion caused a fury on the Internet and closed his dental office

American who killed a famous lion caused a fury on the Internet and closed his dental office

American who killed a famous lion caused a fury on the Internet and closed his dental office

American who killed a famous lion caused a fury on the Internet and closed his dental office

The last photo of Cecil in life.

Keywords: Zimbabwe | Lions | National park | Hunt | Hunter | Tourist | Kill

