American schoolchildren wanted to return the blacks to the plantations

Categories: North America | Society |

Recently, we often hear about the Black Lives Matter movement and about various petitions in defense of the black population of the United States. But many people do not understand what it is necessary to protect this very population from in the freest and most democratic country in the world. It turns out that the younger generation of Americans is not completely free from racism. In one of the US schools, students have created a petition asking for the return of slavery.

American schoolchildren wanted to return the blacks to the plantations

A blatant case of racism among teenagers was revealed at the Park Hill South school in Missouri. In this quite prosperous educational institution, high school students suddenly yearned for the old days and asked to return slavery. The students posted a petition online and began collecting signatures.

American schoolchildren wanted to return the blacks to the plantations

A whole chat was formed under the petition, which was dominated by racist comments and not at all tolerant jokes. Now the petition has already been removed from the network and its full content is unknown. Journalists of USA Today reported only that in the document teenagers reported that they hate blacks and that working on plantations will help many of them find themselves in this life and get rid of excess weight.

Many students and their parents did not like the document, and not only black people. They wrote a statement to the police and demanded to deal with young racists and punish them for such "creativity". This emergency has cast a shadow on the Park Hill South School, which had a high status before. Its director, Kerry Herren, refuses to comment on the incident – he only said that the police are already dealing with this case of racism and the perpetrators will be punished as they deserve.

American schoolchildren wanted to return the blacks to the plantations

Mr. Herren added that he had already held a meeting of students and their parents, at which he explained the inadmissibility of such petitions in modern American society.

It remains to add that this case occurred against the background of serious transformations in the US school system. In many states, the names of educational institutions were revised and those that bore the names of personalities associated with colonization and slavery were urgently renamed.

American schoolchildren wanted to return the blacks to the plantations

At the same time, many white Americans are outraged that the black population already has more rights than they do and talk about real black racism.

Keywords: USA | North America | School | Genocide | Scandal | Slave trade | Society

