America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston

Until 1970-ies of the color photo was not in the framework of the rules of the art of photography, only black and white pictures meet the standards of the critics. The "father of color photography" was William Eggleston, who in 1976 showed the world that color photography has a place in contemporary art. Take a look at the bright photos of legends from the southern United States in the late 60's — early 70-ies.

America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston

Eggleston is one of the most influential photographers of the second half of the XX century, which bears the honorary title of the “father” of color photography. This year the Maestro was 80 years old. Colors in the photographs of Eggleston rich, and models and ordinary people posing for the camera, rejecting the then traditional understanding of photographic composition.

America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston
America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston
America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston
America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston
America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston
America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston
America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston
America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston
America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston
America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston
America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston
America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston
America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston
America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston
America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston
America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston
America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston
America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston
America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston
America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston
America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston
America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston
America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston
America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston
America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston
America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston
America the 70s in pictures the legendary father of color photography, William Eggleston

Keywords: 1960s | 1970s | 60s | 70s | People | USA | Photographer | Color photography

