Amazing drawings on bananas

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Japanese artist Daisuke Skagami creates real works of art from bananas, taking advantage of the fact that the place where the peel is pierced is sure to turn black.

(Total 29 photos)

Amazing drawings on bananas
Amazing drawings on bananas

1. What to do if you suddenly have a passion for how you want to draw, but there is no paper or cardboard at hand - nothing! Only banana. There is nothing to do - you have to draw on it ...

Amazing drawings on bananas

2. True, for this you will also need a needle.

Tokyo-based artist Daisuke Skagami creates real works of art from bananas, taking advantage of the fact that the place where the peel is pierced is sure to turn black.

Amazing drawings on bananas

3. The Japanese regularly posts photos of his work on Tumblr under the nickname End Cape.

Amazing drawings on bananas

4. The drawing technique resembles tattooing or pointillism - all drawings are “clogged” with small dots.

Amazing drawings on bananas

5. Pictured: Virgin owner Richard Branson.

Amazing drawings on bananas

6. A 40-year-old artist takes about five hours to complete each piece.

Amazing drawings on bananas


Amazing drawings on bananas

8. Skagami manages to depict easily recognizable images on the peel - for example, the Mona Lisa.

Amazing drawings on bananas


Amazing drawings on bananas

10. American presidents on Mount Rushmore.

Amazing drawings on bananas


Amazing drawings on bananas


Amazing drawings on bananas


Amazing drawings on bananas


Amazing drawings on bananas


Amazing drawings on bananas

16. It is noteworthy that this drawing technique is extremely simple and inexpensive: a banana and a needle are cheaper than even simple pencils and drawing paper.

Amazing drawings on bananas


Amazing drawings on bananas


Amazing drawings on bananas


Amazing drawings on bananas

20. A copy of one of the works of the Japanese artist of the Edo period - Toshusay Syaraku.

Amazing drawings on bananas


Amazing drawings on bananas

22. Japanese television has already told about the artist's activities more than once. His work has appeared in art galleries.

Amazing drawings on bananas


Amazing drawings on bananas


Amazing drawings on bananas

25. In the photo: the phased creation of a portrait of Japanese actor Sei Hiraizumi (Sei Hiraizumi).

Amazing drawings on bananas

26. Portrait of Kyari Pamyu Pamyu - Japanese model, actress and blogger.

Amazing drawings on bananas


Amazing drawings on bananas


Amazing drawings on bananas

29. Of course, such works are very short-lived - usually, after two days, a banana with a pattern is simply eaten. But now the artist is looking for ways to somehow "prolong the banana age."

Keywords: Drawing | Japan

