Albino sisters from Kazakhstan conquer the modeling world

Categories: Fashion | World |

The modeling business has long moved away from certain "beauty standards" — on the catwalks and on the covers of magazines, you can increasingly see unusual people with unique looks. For example, earlier we talked about a model with a large birthmark on her face and a transgender model who was once a guy, but became a Victoria's Secret "angel".

In this material you will see photos of amazing girls from Kazakhstan, whose appearance looks so unusual and unnatural that they are often confused with dolls.

Albino sisters from Kazakhstan conquer the modeling world

Assel and Kamila Kalaganov were born in an ordinary Kazakh family with a difference of 12 years, but in both cases, the birth of children raised many questions. The fact is that both the younger and the older sister were born albinos, which is quite a rare phenomenon for Kazakhstan. From the very cradle, neighbors and acquaintances looked at them with curiosity, and now 14-year-old Asel is viewed with the same curiosity by students at school.

Albino sisters from Kazakhstan conquer the modeling world

However, the genetic anomaly brought the girls good luck: local modeling agencies quickly became interested in them.

Albino sisters from Kazakhstan conquer the modeling world
It should be noted that Asel was invited to shoot when she was only 10 years old, and the birth of her albino sister only spurred interest in this family.

Albino sisters from Kazakhstan conquer the modeling world
Albino sisters from Kazakhstan conquer the modeling world
Albino sisters from Kazakhstan conquer the modeling world

Asel is also incredibly popular. About 30 thousand users have subscribed to the girl's Instagram page.

Albino sisters from Kazakhstan conquer the modeling world
Albino sisters from Kazakhstan conquer the modeling world

The girls' mother, 38-year-old Ayman Sarkitova, says that she was shocked when she first saw her eldest daughter in the maternity hospital. The doctors were no less shocked — no one had seen albino children here before.

Albino sisters from Kazakhstan conquer the modeling world

A scandal almost broke out in the Sarkitov family — some relatives began to think that the girl's father was an outsider of another nationality. But fortunately, it soon became clear that they had albinos in their family and their genes were passed on to Ayman's children.

Albino sisters from Kazakhstan conquer the modeling world

Among other disadvantages of this anomaly, it can be noted that girls hardly tolerate sunlight. Before each time they go outside, they need to smear sunscreen, take an umbrella with them or wear clothes with long arms. Therefore, girls prefer to walk in the evenings.

Albino sisters from Kazakhstan conquer the modeling world

Also, due to albinism, Assel and Kamila have some health problems — both sisters have poor eyesight.

Albino sisters from Kazakhstan conquer the modeling world

Otherwise, according to the mother of young models, they are no different from ordinary children. She has something to compare with, because the girls also have a brother Aldiyar, who has a typically Kazakh appearance.

Albino sisters from Kazakhstan conquer the modeling world

The family plans to move from Aktau to Nursultan.

Keywords: Albinos | Appearance | Models | Unusual people | Sisters | Fashion models

