About the benefits of hugs

Categories: Health and Medicine |

Embrace much healthier than it might seem at first glance. Studies show that embrace helps people both mentally and physiologically.

According to Virginia Satir (Virginia Satir), we need four hugs a day for survival, eight hugs a day for normal functioning, twelve hugs a day for growth and development.

About the benefits of hugs
About the benefits of hugs

1. In the 70-ies of XX century, researchers began to study the chemicals called endorphins, which were found in the circulatory and nervous systems. Endorphins are morphine-like substances that reduce pain and cause a feeling of euphoria.

About the benefits of hugs

2. Studies show that the number of these natural drugs produced by the brain and nervous system, increases when we hug.

About the benefits of hugs

3. Psychologists often say that modern man lacks physical intimacy with another living being, no matter whether it's native people, the stranger...

About the benefits of hugs

4. ...or just a cat.

About the benefits of hugs

5. The absence of such an innocent, asexual contact deprives people of the joy of life, leads to the fact that a person confined in a cage of his personality, loses a sense of intimacy with all humanity and contact with reality.

About the benefits of hugs

6. There is an area of the brain that is active in response to touch to the human skin. If a child hugging not enough, atrophied part of his brain and suffers his immune system.

About the benefits of hugs

7. Hugs in early childhood makes us capable of love. Kids under 7 years without a hug, may be unable to love others.

About the benefits of hugs

8. Of them usually grow up to be psychopaths, sociopaths, i.e. people who are at odds with society and prone to anti-social behaviour, as well as pathologically unfit for life.

About the benefits of hugs

9. Deep studies show that a startling discovery. Society, where few people embrace each other, become more aggressive. A study conducted by neuropsychologist James William Prisacom convincing evidence that children who are not kept on hand and which are not cared for, have a very large chance to grow killers.

Hugs bring joy and help both psychologically and physiologically not only to those who hug and those hugs:

About the benefits of hugs

10. — hugs strengthen the immune system;

About the benefits of hugs

11. — stimulate the Central nervous system;

About the benefits of hugs

12. — improve sleep;

About the benefits of hugs

13. — give strength;

About the benefits of hugs

14. — rejuvenate;

About the benefits of hugs

15. — relieve stress;

About the benefits of hugs

16. — increase the number of oxytocin — the hormone that relieves depression and reduces blood pressure, that is, reduces the risk of heart disease;

About the benefits of hugs

17. — increase the level of hemoglobin that strengthens the entire body, strengthens the immune system and speeds recovery from illnesses;

About the benefits of hugs

18. — increase self-esteem;

About the benefits of hugs

19. — bring positive emotions;

About the benefits of hugs

20. — get rid of the inner fears, depression, loneliness.

About the benefits of hugs

21. In the ancient Scriptures of the East, the arms are described as very important for any human action that have a healing and rejuvenating effect, in which there is an exchange of male and female energies. All the creatures around waiting for our warmth, kindness.

About the benefits of hugs

22. Find someone near, cuddle up and even for a few seconds stop to think about what you usually occupy your brain. Immerse yourself in his world, give him your silence and you won't forget this feeling of mutual warmth and space of kindness.

Keywords: Hugs | Feelings | Emotions

