A monument to borsch was opened in Kursk. Vegetarian

It is difficult to find an event or a thing to which a monument would not be dedicated. For a long time there was a shortage of monuments to borscht, but now everything is in order – in Kursk, the famous dish was immortalized with a "golden" sculptural composition. Now in the city, which is not too rich in tourist attractions, there is another attractive place for guests and locals.

A monument to borsch was opened in Kursk. Vegetarian

Borscht is not only a hearty and healthy dish, but also, one can say, a political one. For decades, there has been a dispute between Russians and Ukrainians about whose national dish this is. Perhaps the Kurians decided to confirm its status as a native Russian product with a monument?

A monument to borsch was opened in Kursk. Vegetarian

Whatever it was, but the owner of the art gallery "AYA" on Katya Zelenko Street, artist Oleg Radin, claims that the opening of the monument to Borsch on August 9, 2021 is timed only to the General Planetary Day of the Artist and does not carry any political or any other coloring.

According to the author, borsch is a favorite food of Russian artists. This is indicated on the plate attached to the pedestal. However, the borscht set, which embodies the famous first dish – is vegetarian.

A monument to borsch was opened in Kursk. Vegetarian

On a small pedestal, only vegetable components are compactly located – onions, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, beets. And on the other hand, when did artists live so freely in our country to indulge themselves with meat?

The author of the monument, Oleg Radin, explained that he did not specifically include meat in the composition so that it would meet the trends of the time. It is no coincidence that the color of vegetables was chosen-gold, because every year the preparation of once one of the cheapest first courses becomes more and more expensive.

A monument to borsch was opened in Kursk. Vegetarian

The opening of the monument was timed to coincide with the traditional ceremony of awarding the Kazemir Malevich People's Prize for Kursk artists and sculptors. The love of the local creative elite for the famous Cubist is connected with the fact that Malevich lived in Kursk for some time at the beginning of the 20th century. The exhibition "I am an artist" is also dedicated to the genius, which visitors of the AYA gallery can visit completely free of charge.

Keywords: Paintings | Exhibition | Sculpture | Gallery | Society | Vegetables | Vegetarianism | Food and drinks | Monument | News of the day

