A game of shadows

With the help of shadows, a talented photographer can take stunning photos. Perhaps the shadow is the best tool for a photographer. Shadows are everywhere, the main thing is to be able to use them correctly. Check out these gorgeous photos with shadows added to them.


A game of shadows

1. Photo of Instagram user kristinsundberg.

A game of shadows

2. Photo: Emilio Jimenez.

A game of shadows

3. Photo: David Basanta.

A game of shadows

4. Photo: Solv Sandsbo.

A game of shadows

5. Photo: George Mayer.

A game of shadows

6. Photo: Wendy Hope.

A game of shadows

7. Photo: Francis Giacobetti.

A game of shadows

8. Photo: Emilio Jimenez.

A game of shadows

9. Photo: Neil Snape.

A game of shadows

10. Photo: Greg Lotus.

A game of shadows

11. Photo: Lucien Clergue.

A game of shadows

12. Photo: Vladimir Zotov.

A game of shadows

13. Photo of the user tumblr.com - hands-on-body.

A game of shadows

14. Photo: Oscar Jimenez.

A game of shadows

15. Photo: George Mayer.

A game of shadows

16. Photo from the show American Top Model.

A game of shadows

17. Photo: Arseny Semyonov.

A game of shadows

18. Photo: Victor Pictor.

A game of shadows

19. Photo: Amanda Parker.

A game of shadows

20. Photo: Alessio Albi.

Keywords: Shadows | People | Society | Photo project | Photographs | Shadow photos | Photographer | Social media | Talent | Beauty | View

