A book for those who always have nowhere to sit

This amazing book turns into furniture! A unique thing called Bookniture (that is, “knebel”) allows you to carry a “book” with you, which, if necessary, transforms into a chair or a small table. The book is made from recyclable paper, weighs 1.5 kilograms, measures 33 x 18 cm - and is 14 times bigger when opened!

Hong Kong designer Mike Mack came up with the idea for the book when he realized that one of his friends never had enough room to sit down at his house. “I like to receive guests, but there are always not enough places for everyone - someone is always sitting on the floor. I thought it would be nice to have furniture that doesn't take up floor space,” says Mike.

(Total 12 photos)

A book for those who always have nowhere to sit
Photo: Solent News / Rex Features / Fotodom.ru

A book for those who always have nowhere to sit

A book for those who always have nowhere to sit

A book for those who always have nowhere to sit

A book for those who always have nowhere to sit

A book for those who always have nowhere to sit

A book for those who always have nowhere to sit

A book for those who always have nowhere to sit

A book for those who always have nowhere to sit

A book for those who always have nowhere to sit

A book for those who always have nowhere to sit

A book for those who always have nowhere to sit

A book for those who always have nowhere to sit

Keywords: Idea | Interior | Book | Furniture | Table | Chair | Comfortable | Fantasy

