9 kitchen life hacks that even a chef would like to know

Many people think that "life hack" and "advice" are synonymous, but they are not. According to research, a life hack is a way to do something trivial in an easier and more efficient way. Everyone can create a life hack - you just need to be brave to experiment.

At Pictolic we want to make our life easier wherever possible. Therefore, we are happy that there are people who come up with cool life hacks and tell the whole world about them.


9 kitchen life hacks that even a chef would like to know

1. To cut the onion and not cry, place a burning candle next to you.

9 kitchen life hacks that even a chef would like to know

2. If you cut the tomatoes with a bread knife, the circles will be thin and the juice will not scatter around the kitchen.

9 kitchen life hacks that even a chef would like to know

3. Chicken thighs can be cooked on the wire rack over chopped potatoes. This will make the potatoes much tastier.

9 kitchen life hacks that even a chef would like to know

4. Place a folded damp cloth or tea towel under the cutting board to stabilize the board while you use it and prevent the board from slipping.

9 kitchen life hacks that even a chef would like to know

5. Food thaws faster when placed in the pan. The cold passes to the metal of the frying pan, where it dissipates faster.

9 kitchen life hacks that even a chef would like to know

6. Use a piece of bread, plastic wrap, and an airtight container to store your homemade sushi.

9 kitchen life hacks that even a chef would like to know

7. Using a tablespoon, peel a boiled egg in seconds.

9 kitchen life hacks that even a chef would like to know

8. If you don't have a dishwasher, you can wash greasy silicone sponge holders and plastic container lids in the washing machine.

9 kitchen life hacks that even a chef would like to know

9. “I call it lazy lasagne; frozen ravioli with sauce and mozzarella, baked in the oven. Anyone else doing this?

Keywords: Hacks | Kitchen | Life hack | Advice | House | People | Society | Lifestyle | Tricks

