9 facts about the benefits of chocolate

July 11 — world day of chocolate! On this day we can honestly say that favorite delicacy of humanity is extremely helpful. And to confirm this fact. But do not forget that everything is good in moderation.

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9 facts about the benefits of chocolate

1. Chocolate good for the heart. People who regularly consume chocolate, the risk of heart disease is reduced by 37%.

9 facts about the benefits of chocolate

2. Chocolate improves mood by increasing the levels of serotonin in the brain. Research indicates that chocolate is an aphrodisiac, and continue.

9 facts about the benefits of chocolate

3. Chocolate reduces the risk of heart attacks in men by 17%. A positive effect of chocolate mentioned above, but this conclusion was made by scientists after an experiment in which men ate 63 grams of chocolate per week for 10 years.

9 facts about the benefits of chocolate

4. Italian scientists have proved that people who eat a lot of chocolate, are less likely to suffer dementia in old age.

9 facts about the benefits of chocolate

5. Chocolate blunts hunger. Enough to eat 10 grams of dark chocolate to the famine struck.

9 facts about the benefits of chocolate

6. Chocolate lovers live longer. A study proving this, lasted more than 60 years. Regular eating of chocolate can add years of life.

9 facts about the benefits of chocolate

7. After a small portion of chocolate people are better in coping with mathematical tasks is proved by scientists from the UK. Many argue that after a few pieces of chocolate they think better.

9 facts about the benefits of chocolate

8. Scientists have proven that a Cup of hot chocolate soothes a sore throat and suppress the cough reflex. A huge thanks to them from all children.

9 facts about the benefits of chocolate

9. According to statistics, in countries where people eat more chocolate, more Nobel laureates.

Keywords: Research | Treat | Facts | Chocolate

