9 ages of women in a French photographer's photo project

Categories: Photo project |

The Frenchwoman Alexandra Sophie is only 23 years old, but she looks at a woman's life in a very special way. In her series of photographs, a woman is a blooming garden, Jardin Fleuris, and this garden has its milestones. Critics have already called Alexandra's works provocative, which means that a great future awaits her and, most likely, a ban on exhibitions in some countries.

9 ages of women in a French photographer's photo project
9 ages of women in a French photographer's photo project
Source: Fotodom.ru

9 ages of women in a French photographer's photo project
9 ages of women in a French photographer's photo project

1. Virgin territory.

9 ages of women in a French photographer's photo project
9 ages of women in a French photographer's photo project

2. Puberty.

9 ages of women in a French photographer's photo project

3. Loss of virginity.

9 ages of women in a French photographer's photo project

4. Sexuality.

9 ages of women in a French photographer's photo project

5. The first stage of pregnancy. The origin of life

9 ages of women in a French photographer's photo project

6. Mother and her inner garden.

9 ages of women in a French photographer's photo project

7. Mother and her inner garden — 2.

9 ages of women in a French photographer's photo project

8. Breast-feeding.

9 ages of women in a French photographer's photo project

9. Menopause.

Keywords: 18+ | Age | Girls | Women

