8-year-old American is friends with crows and they bring her gifts

Categories: Animals | Positive | World |

Many people love when their garden is full of birds, but this love is rarely mutual. However, one girl from Seattle was more fortunate: she feeds the crows in her garden and they bring her gifts in gratitude.

8-year-old American is friends with crows and they bring her gifts
The whole collection of chains, rings, beads and other children's and treasure gathered in his collection of 8-year-old Gabi Mann of Seattle. All these jewels brought to her by crows. The girl feeds them and brings fresh water, and in gratitude they bring her gifts, and even help to find lost things.

8-year-old American is friends with crows and they bring her gifts

A collection of treasures collected 8-year-old Gabi Mann of Seattle. In her Treasury — as beloved children things like nuts and old buttons, and these value — chains, earrings, pendants. All this gifts from the crows, with whom Gabi's friends for many years. Girl feeding birds, and they in gratitude bring food for her.

8-year-old American is friends with crows and they bring her gifts

Friendship girls with ravens started a few years ago. When Gabi was younger, she would often drop the food, and the crows immediately flew to pick up the fallen piece. Soon they were waiting for her: when she went out into the yard with some food, they sat down nearby and waited until some piece will fall to the ground.

8-year-old American is friends with crows and they bring her gifts

Soon Gaby gave Raven a bath and feeders. Foot Spa she regularly filled with drinking water and the feeders poured peanuts, dog food and small scraps. In response, the crows began to bring her gifts, which she neatly stacked in a special box.

Now crow flock crowd in the yard, waiting for exit Gabi with food.

8-year-old American is friends with crows and they bring her gifts

Favorite crow the gift of Gaby — key chain with the inscription "the Best".

Of course, if it gets to the crows, they will certainly bring it girl!

8-year-old American is friends with crows and they bring her gifts

Their gifts the birds leave Gabi on the edge of the bath water or near bird feeders, so Gabi sure that the gifts brought by her friends, the crows.

8-year-old American is friends with crows and they bring her gifts

Once the ravens even helped Gabi to find a lost cover from the camera.

8-year-old American is friends with crows and they bring her gifts

To make sure that the lens cover has brought her crows, she watched the recording surveillance camera installed next to the Raven room. On the recording it was obvious that the Raven not only brought the cover from the lens, but thoroughly washed her in the bath with water before you put it on the edge.

Keywords: Ravens | Girl | Interesting birds

