8 photos of buildings that defy reality

In an astonishing fusion of art, architecture, theater, and engineering, British sculptor Alex Chinnek produces context-sensitive interventions that bring the urban landscape in which they live. A house that melts, a mansion that levitates, or a 37-meter-high inverted tower are some of Alex Chinnek's amazing creations that are transforming urban landscapes.


8 photos of buildings that defy reality

1. This sculpture is seventeen meters wide and is the most ambitious project of the artist and was presented at Milan Design Week 2019.

8 photos of buildings that defy reality

2. This deserted house in British Margate has become a local landmark.

8 photos of buildings that defy reality

3. Have you ever imagined a house hovering? At Covent Garden in London, Alex has built one.

8 photos of buildings that defy reality

4. The artist spent 1180 meters of steel on this 15-ton creation.

8 photos of buildings that defy reality

5. The 60s office building in Ashford has become a work of art.

8 photos of buildings that defy reality

6. This house is built with 7,500 paraffin bricks.

8 photos of buildings that defy reality

7. In this work, Alex tried to reproduce the appearance of the torn page - with 4000 bricks.

8 photos of buildings that defy reality

8. Watch carefully. Two houses are overturned.

Keywords: Building | Houses | Art | Architecture | Theater | Engineering | Design | Sculptor | Intervention | Landscape | Tower | Creation

