7 most cutest types of foxes

Categories: Animals |

If you love foxes the way we do, you can hardly argue that they are truly charming animals. Red, gray, white, living in forests and polar wastelands - all foxes are very beautiful, mysterious and luxurious, regardless of species.

Today we bring you 7 of the most colorful fox species from all over the world. Choose who you like the most!

(Total 20 photos)

7 most cutest types of foxes
Source: itcolossal.com

7 most cutest types of foxes

1. Fennecs.

These paws live in North Africa, in the Sahara desert. They are characterized by large ears that help them cope with the heat.

7 most cutest types of foxes

2. Thanks to these ears, they hear so well that they can track prey under several layers of sand. And their cream-colored fur gives them the ability to reflect heat during the day and keep warm at night.

7 most cutest types of foxes

3. Red fox.

7 most cutest types of foxes

4. This is the largest and most common type of fox.

7 most cutest types of foxes

5. They live throughout the Northern Hemisphere, as well as in Australia.

7 most cutest types of foxes

6. Red foxes are very agile and cunning hunters that can jump over 2-meter fences!

7 most cutest types of foxes

7. Marble fox.

7 most cutest types of foxes

8. It is also called the polar marbled fox.

7 most cutest types of foxes

9. Such a coloring did not occur in nature - people artificially bred this species and began to breed such foxes for the sake of fur.

7 most cutest types of foxes

10. Gray fox.

It lives throughout North America and is distinguished by its "gray" coloring and black-tipped tail.

7 most cutest types of foxes

11. This is the only representative of the canine family that can climb trees.

7 most cutest types of foxes

12. Black-brown fox.

In fact, this is the same species as the red fox, they just differ in pigmentation (fur color).

7 most cutest types of foxes

13. Once the silver fox fur was considered one of the most valuable. They are still bred for their fur.

7 most cutest types of foxes

14. Arctic fox.

7 most cutest types of foxes

15. The arctic fox is also called the polar fox.

7 most cutest types of foxes

16. Lives throughout the Arctic Circle.

7 most cutest types of foxes

17. Thick fur protects them from frost, so they can survive in temperatures as low as -70 °C.

7 most cutest types of foxes

18. These foxes have relatively short legs and muzzles, which helps them hide them under their fur and keep them warm.

7 most cutest types of foxes

19. Silver-black fox.

7 most cutest types of foxes

20. This is another "color" variety of the red fox. It lives mainly in North America.

Keywords: Foxes

