7 details that make you older

Do you know that your style and clothing, which you wear, affect your self-esteem, your mood and even your health? When we choose our outfit, we subconsciously adopt certain characteristics related to it. Therefore, if you choose clothes or accessories that remind you of the clothes of an old girl, you involuntarily begin to feel the same way.

We found out what mistakes in the way we dress, forcing you to look older.


7 details that make you older

1. Hold the neck open.

If you want to look younger, make sure you don't hide your neck. Select the appropriate incision instead of the turtleneck.

7 details that make you older

2. No - with long skirts.

Wearing a long skirt, you will not look young, fresh, or sexy. Mini-skirts are not always appropriate, as they can make you look vulgar. Avoid wearing them and instead, choose this skirt with a long to the knee or slightly below

7 details that make you older

3. Leave your cardigan at home.

Even if you love your comfortable cardigan, stay away from it. Especially if it is dull or dark color. Instead, choose a jacket or coat.

7 details that make you older

4. No scarves, if not just cold.

Wearing a scarf makes you look older, so try to avoid wearing it if it is not windy. Open this neck instead.

7 details that make you older

5. Avoid too much black.

Black is a very stylish color, but try to avoid black outfits. You have the risk to emphasize the color of your skin and all your wrinkles. The brighter the clothes, the brighter your face will be.

7 details that make you older

6. Choose light makeup.

Excessive make-up and very bright or dark lipstick - this is what attracts attention to the wrinkles around your mouth, while the dark shadows for the century make your eyes look tired. Neutral shades and glitter for the lips will help you look natural and young.

7 details that make you older

7. Say "no" to casual clothes.

Free clothes make you look fuller and bigger, so wear them only in the gym. Choose clothes that fit your size, and highlight your merits.

Keywords: Details | Style | Clothing | Fashion | Fashion tricks | Outfit | People | Dress | Characteristics | Accessories | Combinations

