6 symptoms of mental illness that others take for whims

Categories: Health and Medicine |

There will be some quirk in the behavior of each of us, which, as we think, is peculiar only to us. And we think in vain. Because, according to science, our every little whim, habit or "favorite corn" can be found a strictly scientific explanation.

6 symptoms of mental illness that others take for whims
6 symptoms of mental illness that others take for whims

You went to relieve yourself in an empty toilet (for example, in a restaurant) and are already halfway to blissful relief, when suddenly there is a shuffling behind your back. And... that's it. The process has stalled. You can't squeeze a drop out of yourself anymore. Someone was sitting at the nearby urinal. You know: he hears that your jet has suddenly dried up, and this only increases the panic. And soon a queue will form behind you. And they all wonder what it is that you are there, in complete silence…

6 symptoms of mental illness that others take for whims

Onychophagia is one of the most common mental disorders, which is expressed in obsessive nail biting. This scourge affects about 45 percent of people aged 10 to 18 years (most of them are women). Among those suffering from onychophagia there are also celebrities - Britney Spears, Jacqueline Kennedy, Eva Mendes…

6 symptoms of mental illness that others take for whims

How often have you heard from a girl that her lover is not sincere enough with her? "He never shares his experiences with me", "he's kind of forever detached...", "he doesn't care at all what's going on in my soul!" - and so on. Believe it or not, two out of three of these complaints can be explained by a medical phenomenon called "alexithymia". This term means the inability of a person to realize and express his own emotional state in words. Alexithymia is present in each of us to one degree or another. However, in the most severe cases, this condition can seriously poison life. According to scientists, alexithymia prevents about 8-10 percent of all people from living, and there are more men among them than women.

6 symptoms of mental illness that others take for whims

Imagine: the boss tells you off for some serious mistake, and you feel that another second and you will burst out laughing, and you can't help yourself. You try to pull yourself together — you understand what this threatens you with, but no matter how you restrain yourself, the guilty look gradually gives way to a stupid smile, then a stifled laugh, and soon a real loud hysterical guffaw breaks out of you. If you have ever experienced anything like this, then it is quite possible that you suffer from a syndrome called "violent emotional expression", also known as "pseudobulbar affect".

6 symptoms of mental illness that others take for whims

Almost every one of us can't stand any sound: foam on glass, chalk on a blackboard, squeaking of a swing, slurping… Whether it's normal or not depends on what kind of sounds they are and how much they interfere with your life. A mental disorder called "misophonia" is a condition when ordinary, unremarkable sounds cause irritation. For example, the sounds that other people make when they eat, breathe, cough or do other completely familiar and noiseless things.

6 symptoms of mental illness that others take for whims

In a large team, there will always be a frame that takes everything that comes "from above" with hostility. He considers his main goal to undermine the authority of his superiors in the most noisy and unpleasant way for the latter. He's bickering and arguing about every little thing.

