33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

Categories: Positive | World |

Brazil is a country where there are a lot of wild monkeys, and in general it's quite fun there! Evidence of this is regularly published in the r/Ithadtobebrazil subreddit (This probably happened in Brazil). We decided to show all the uniqueness of distant Brazil and put together the most unusual and at the same time funny shots.

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys
33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

Patrolling on a water buffalo is the usual routine of Brazilian policemen

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

The wooden pole was replaced with concrete, but the toucan house was preserved

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

The landlady of the apartment is tired of having her window smashed with a soccer ball every now and then

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

"Does your dog bite?— - "No, only throws stones!"

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

The mayor has banned pubs from setting up tables on the sidewalks. The answer was not long in coming

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

The Vice President of Brazil gives an interview

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

Business is business, but keep an eye on the great

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

Cotton candy sellers on the beach

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

National snack - bread in the shape of a capybara

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

"Grandma knitted a rug so that it would be more convenient for my uncle to put the bike"

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

Brazilian New Year

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

This is Ibere Tenorio, a Brazilian YouTuber who built his own submarine. A fully functional submarine!

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

"This morning, this cow was standing outside the police department building and did not let anyone in there"

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

Even smartphones have straw hats in Brazil

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

Giant tree roots destroy sidewalk in Sao Paulo

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

Public transport in Brazil. Everything is simple

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

A Brazilian always has a place for a barbecue

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

A passerby rescued a lion tamarin cub and returned it to its mother

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

A young journalist interviews a dog

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

The surveillance camera was bolted to the rack with a steel cable. So as not to be stolen

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

River refueling in Brazil

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

A typical day in Brazil: a dog was arrested for helping drug dealers smuggle marijuana

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

Large packages of meat in Brazil are also sold with devices to prevent theft

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

Safety is above all for Brazilians!

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

Pets in Brazilian

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

When I didn't understand what kind of mask I was talking about, but you know exactly what to wear!

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

Installation from the National Army

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

An ordinary day in Paraibo

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

The magical world of Brazilian Disneyland

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

Covid protection is ready!

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

The usual program on Brazilian TV

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

Brazilian Winter

33 photos from Brazil, a wonderful country where there are a lot of monkeys

The owner of this cart sells ice cream right in the ocean, near the coral reef of Maragoga

