30 wedding that will inevitably end in divorce
Leading wedding ceremonies, celebrations managers, bakers, seamstresses, and other employees of the wedding industry spoke about the cases when the right wedding understood that this pair will not last long!

"I am a pastry chef make wedding cakes. At a wedding, when we made the wedding cake and the groom along with the bride cut him, he immediately put the first piece on a plate and gave it to her mother. The bride, an angry, left to stand at the cake. It's unlikely she will stay with that Mama's boy."

"Photographed the groom and then his face literally lit up smile. He rushed to the visitor — pretty girl in a short dress and squeezed her in his arms. A smile I had not seen all day. They say the marriage lasted six months."
"Did the catering at the wedding. Heard the bride say a toast and turning to his groom, he said: "I'm Sure you're perfect first husband!" Nobody could not believe my ears."
"Instead of "agree" groom said "I guess"".
"In our family restaurant celebrated the wedding. The bride with the scandal grew jealous of the groom to his sister, and as it turns out, that's why. Nice family."
"I heard the dispute at the wedding of the bride and groom about whether it is necessary to give donated money to the mother of the groom or keep it for yourself. I don't think they had".
"At the wedding, where I worked as a waiter, 19-year-old bride had barely spoken with her fiance, but constantly arguing with his father, saying, "Leave me alone! Go for whoever you want!“ Clearly this marriage was only to spite his parents!"
"One bride, I led three weddings, and all of the boys were as a blueprint done."
"Remember the bride that the wedding was capricious and drove the groom: "Marc, come here, mark, bring, mark, do..." mark went with a forlorn expression on his face — clearly already regretted getting into this".
"I work in catering. Most unfortunate wedding in my memory is the one cake brought directly from a nearby supermarket, and the bride surprised the groom with his girlfriend in the back in the midst of it all".
"Shooting a bachelorette party over the fact that the bride was crying on my shoulder and said that's not ready for marriage. Their Union lasted a year."
"If the groom will dance with my mother more than bride, that's never good".
"The most short wedding in our hotel over the fact that the groom got into a fight with the bride, then they both moved to the parent homes."
"I was photographing a wedding. The groom got drunk and started to get me, bychit, yelling at me and in the end, I got into a fight, and tried to intervene bride was called "ugly". Later, the bride's father gave me a fee for the work, and added a generous tip. From him I learned that she had filed for divorce a week, and he was grateful to me that because of me she didn't stay with that bastard."
"I was a bartender at a wedding where the groom got drunk in the limo on the way to the restaurant, so much so that I couldn't go out and slept the whole wedding party in the car."
"Been to a wedding where the bride made a Striptease on the table, as soon as the bride stepped out of the room."
"Wait a wedding where the bride had to flirt with all the male guests, while the bridegroom is decently continued to sit at the head of the table, although more nervous".
"In the midst of the reception, the groom has publicly declared that he was tired, and went home. One without the bride".
"I am a pastry chef. One couple who ordered the cake from me, death quarreled about fruit cake, and not waiting for the wedding."
"I worked at a wedding. I was approached by a fiance who I met for the first time that day, and asked what would I have done if before the wedding he learned that my bride is sleeping with her dance partner. I only shook her head. Specifically learned: their marriage lasted for two months."
"I've worked as a presenter at a wedding where the groom drunk wanted to take me with him to the hotel. I politely declined."
"Our orchestra played at the wedding. Towards the end we were approached by the mother of the groom and gave a Deposit down so we played... his divorce. "I give them six months," said the good woman. Indeed, six months later, they called us to an evening of divorce where there were no bride."
"Was the driver of a wedding limousine. One lucky groom with a broken arm and a bride who was saying, he's such a loser spoiled my stupid fracture to her wedding!"
"When young was asked to kiss the bride hastily turned away and put his cheek instead of the lips. It was my friends, their marriage lasted three months."
"I once shot a wedding where the bride all night, alternately shows that it has no panties".
"The groom is so hard was drinking beer before taking that he puked right on the wedding cake".
"The bride's mother was so concerned about the wedding, that, forgetting himself, said "Yes" instead of a daughter. In a family where taxis mom, nothing will".
"We have the restaurant drunk groom once tried to pick a fight with the waiter, and then — with one of them. In the end, the guard had him out on my own wedding".
"I'm a photographer. Once the bride and groom almost to fight quarreling of what position they stand in the photo".
"I'm the wedding planner. One pair for the preparation tried twice to cancel the wedding. I'm not sure that their marriage was".
Keywords: Wedding pictures | The world | A divorce | A society | A couple | Social networks