30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

Categories: Positive | Social Networks | World |

In the community Today I Learned ("Today I learned") on the social network reddit, users share amazing facts and amazing stories. Here are the latest ones!

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core
30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

Once a cow ran away from a Polish farm, and a few months later it was noticed in a herd of wild bison.

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

A company that produces orange juice has dumped 12 tons of orange peels on lifeless soil. 16 years later, this land has turned into a dense forest.

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

In 1876, an artist competition was held at the Philadelphia International Exposition. The chairman of the jury was supposed to present him with the prize, but when he learned that Bannister was black, he refused to do so and decided to annul his victory. But he failed to do so due to violent protests, primarily from other participants.

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

Once the Mississippi River was more than 7 kilometers wide, and whales regularly swam into it from the Gulf of Mexico. The remains of these whales are still sometimes found in the territory of the state of Michigan.

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

FBI agent Robert Hansen received a delicate task-to find a Soviet "mole"in the ranks of the FBI. The piquancy of the situation was that the mole was Hansen himself, who had worked for the KGB for many years since 1979.

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

All of Mexico's beaches are owned by the federal Government. In this country, no one and nowhere else has private beaches. Even if you live in a rich mansion, you are obliged to let everyone on your beach.

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

An official debate was held in the British parliament, during which the historical inaccuracies made in the film "Submarine U‑571" and the rewriting of history to portray Americans as heroes of an event in which they did not even participate were condemned. The MPs said it was not fair to the British sailors who died.

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

After the fire in the Cathedral of Notre Dame, about 200 thousand bees nesting under the roofs of the cathedral were considered dead. But, as it turned out later, the giant swarm safely survived the disaster.

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

The giant panda is no longer among the species threatened with extinction.

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

Two fishing friends, following the will of their late comrade, also an avid angler, used his ashes as bait on a fishing trip - and pulled out a giant 70-kilogram carp, which they dedicated to their late friend.

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

In the middle of football broadcasts in Britain, there are spikes in electricity use. This is the fans, taking advantage of the break, running to the kitchens to warm the kettles.

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

Jan Manuel spent years in prison after being sentenced to life in prison at the age of 13 for assaulting a man. He won his freedom in 2016 with the help of a woman he attacked. He is now an activist, lecturer, and author.

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

There are milk bars in Rwanda. People go there to socialize and drink milk.

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

The Boeing 787 system must be rebooted every 51 days to ensure that rounding errors do not cause crashes that could lead to a disaster.

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

The gingko tree is a unique " living fossil»: it has existed unchanged for 200 million years.

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

The Auto-Tune tuner, a device introduced in 1997 that uses a patented device to measure and change the pitch of sound when recording and performing vocal and instrumental music, was named by Time magazine as one of the 50 worst inventions of mankind.

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

NASA has developed special toilets at a cost of $ 23 million dollars for deep space flight missions. Since odor control is a serious problem, NASA hires certified odor analyzers in toilets: their task is to evaluate the measures taken to control odors. NASA's chief engineer calls them " the unsung heroes of the space program."

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

Curry in British restaurants is served longer than fish and chips-the famous fish and chips. The first Indian restaurant opened in Britain in 1809, and fish and chips did not appear on the menu until 1858.

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

Officially-a bureaucratic interpretation of the name of the group UB-40 – "unemployment benefit, form 40". The name was suggested by a friend of the band, all of whose members were unemployed at the time.

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

Scientists from the University of Connecticut found that the cholesterol contained in egg yolks is harmless to humans, as it does not increase the level of cholesterol in the blood and does not form cholesterol plaques.

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

The Women's Institute of Great Britain, a women's NGO, invited Colin Darch, a former hostage of the Somali pirates, to talk about his experience. However, due to the confusion, many senior members of the organization came to the party in pirate costumes. However, Darch was not offended and eventually became the judge of the contest for the best pirate costume.

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

There are blood types V and VI, and the latter is so rare that only two families in the world have it.

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

Kotatsu is a traditional Japanese table combined with a blanket. In this design, you can sleep, eat, and even arrange gatherings with friends.

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein, has experienced many tragedies. Her mother died after giving birth, she was in constant debt, her first three children died, and her husband drowned while sailing. She herself died at the age of 53.

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

Christopher Lee always wanted to play Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings, and even discussed it with Tolkien himself. However, Peter Jackson wanted Lee to play Saruman, much to Lee's dismay. Saruman's death scene was an unexpected tribute to Christopher Lee and his famous role as Dracula.

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

Sharks ' sense of smell is based on the principle of "stereo smell".»: they can detect tiny delays in the time it takes for the smell to reach the far nostril after it hits the near one, and use this to determine the direction the smell is coming from. This helps them track down their prey.

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

The song "Billie Jean" Michael Jackson dedicated to a real girl who pursued him with the assurances that her child is his son. She created a lot of problems for the singer, as a result of which he became even more withdrawn. The girl sent him a letter with a gun and instructions for suicide. The singer saved a photo of the stalker to remember her face, "in case she ever appears near."

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

Two brothers back in the 19th century, using their man at the French optical telegraph, were able to hack into his system to get information about the stock market. When they were caught two years later, they were not convicted, because in 1836 there were no laws against hackers.

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

The future King of Hungary, Ludwig II, was born prematurely. To keep him alive, the doctors killed livestock and put the baby in warm entrails as in an incubator.

30 unexpected facts that will amaze you to the core

The French Revolution not only gave humanity the metric system, but almost provided it with a metric clock. According to them, a day consisted of 10 hours, a week-of 10 days, and only a month remained almost the same – it had the same 30 days.

Keywords: Photo collection | World | Positive | Facts | Interesting | Amazing | Social networks

