26 most creative benches from around the world

The image of any city is determined by many factors and things: buildings, bridges, parks, sculptures... and benches. Yes, it is the bench, the simplest form of public furniture, that can influence the impression of a particular place. 

Here are 26 examples that illustrate how imagination and creative ingenuity can move anyone from the congested streets of the city to the cozy and quiet atmosphere of the living room. 

26 most creative benches from around the world
26 most creative benches from around the world

A bench in Kiev.

26 most creative benches from around the world

Massachusetts, USA.

26 most creative benches from around the world

Blue Carpet art object bench, Newcastle, UK.

26 most creative benches from around the world

Why not sit on the tail of a whale?

26 most creative benches from around the world

Bench by architects Alleswirdgut Architektur, Luxembourg.

26 most creative benches from around the world

Bench made of colored pencils, Kiev.

26 most creative benches from around the world

Benches in the form of tulips from Tulpi Design.

26 most creative benches from around the world

Immerse yourself in the magical world of Narnia, London.

26 most creative benches from around the world

A park in Feklabruck, Austria.

26 most creative benches from around the world

Soft bench by Lucille Souffle.

26 most creative benches from around the world

And how do you like this place to relax?

26 most creative benches from around the world

University of Sydney, Australia.

26 most creative benches from around the world

New York, USA.

26 most creative benches from around the world

A bench in the form of typewriter keys.

26 most creative benches from around the world

A bench from Lungo Mare.

26 most creative benches from around the world

Split, Croatia.

26 most creative benches from around the world

San Francisco, USA.

26 most creative benches from around the world

Seattle, USA.

26 most creative benches from around the world

New York, USA.

26 most creative benches from around the world

Bench by Alfredo Heberly.

26 most creative benches from around the world

Benches in the form of a sailing ship, Verscheer, Canada.

26 most creative benches from around the world

This bench was inspired by the mountains.

26 most creative benches from around the world

Enschede, the Netherlands.

26 most creative benches from around the world

Paris, France.

26 most creative benches from around the world

Swing bench by Neulhae Cho.

26 most creative benches from around the world

Ithaca, New York.

Keywords: City | Design and architecture | Creative | Street | Creativity | Bench

