Established in 2007 Google Street View — a unique technology that provides panoramic views of streets around the world. The main goal is to help navigate through unfamiliar neighborhoods and cities, but it is also a great opportunity to look at our mad-mad world.
(Total 25 photos)
1. Superman is sleeping on a Park bench.
2. Something went wrong while walking with a skateboard.
3. The person on the hill.
4. The skeleton on the way home.
5. Proposal to marry him.
6. A man chases a bear.
7. A battle of two samurai.
8. The seagulls went crazy.
9. The stranger on the balcony.
10. A man picks his nose.
11. A naked man gets out of the trunk.
12. A tiger walks through the Parking lot.
13. The bird people.
14. Here are some more people.
15. Robbery.
16. Scary mannequins in the garbage.
17. A man in a mask hiding in the forest.
18. Amazing character.
19. The woman with the strange legs on the background of the pyramid.