22 photos that clearly demonstrate why cats and puzzles are incompatible

Categories: Animals | Positive |

Some cats are so fond of being the center of attention that they simply cannot accept if the owner is busy with something else. Even if these are his favorite puzzles, which he so wanted to pick up after a hard day's work! If there is a cat in the house, the only possible entertainment for a person is to entertain a cat. Otherwise, something like this is waiting for him…

22 photos that clearly demonstrate why cats and puzzles are incompatible
22 photos that clearly demonstrate why cats and puzzles are incompatible

Someone is sad without their evening hugs…

22 photos that clearly demonstrate why cats and puzzles are incompatible

The most comfortable place in the house.

22 photos that clearly demonstrate why cats and puzzles are incompatible

"My cat also wanted to be a part of this picture"

22 photos that clearly demonstrate why cats and puzzles are incompatible

When I caught a mouse. Even if it was drawn... even if I didn't quite catch it.

22 photos that clearly demonstrate why cats and puzzles are incompatible

I just wanted to show you who's really in charge here.

22 photos that clearly demonstrate why cats and puzzles are incompatible

"The puzzle was quite complicated, but my cat doesn't care"

22 photos that clearly demonstrate why cats and puzzles are incompatible

We are with you, mistress!

22 photos that clearly demonstrate why cats and puzzles are incompatible

I'll just sit here.

22 photos that clearly demonstrate why cats and puzzles are incompatible

"Sam decided to try his hand at sorting parts"

22 photos that clearly demonstrate why cats and puzzles are incompatible

When too tired to solve puzzles…

22 photos that clearly demonstrate why cats and puzzles are incompatible

"Well, I guess I'll do the puzzles another time."

22 photos that clearly demonstrate why cats and puzzles are incompatible

The cat somehow subtly hints that it's time to finish playing. It's time to scratch his tummy!

22 photos that clearly demonstrate why cats and puzzles are incompatible

He guards his goods.

22 photos that clearly demonstrate why cats and puzzles are incompatible

"It was difficult, but we did it"

22 photos that clearly demonstrate why cats and puzzles are incompatible

Another long day of protecting innocent puzzles from being completed.

22 photos that clearly demonstrate why cats and puzzles are incompatible

If you were hoping to rest, then you were hoping in vain.

22 photos that clearly demonstrate why cats and puzzles are incompatible

"My little helper!"

22 photos that clearly demonstrate why cats and puzzles are incompatible

"My cats' favorite place!"

22 photos that clearly demonstrate why cats and puzzles are incompatible

That's what it means to be the center of attention.

22 photos that clearly demonstrate why cats and puzzles are incompatible

"I can't finish the puzzle as it lies on the last two pieces"

22 photos that clearly demonstrate why cats and puzzles are incompatible

It turns out that not only cats like to interfere. Oh, play!

22 photos that clearly demonstrate why cats and puzzles are incompatible

The puzzle is complete! So, now you can lie down on it in peace.

