22 interesting things that people found in old houses

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During the renovation of houses, and especially old ones, you can make a lot of interesting finds. These houses keep whole stories, and are full of a variety of secrets. These netizens decided to share their curious findings.

22 interesting things that people found in old houses
22 interesting things that people found in old houses
22 interesting things that people found in old houses
22 interesting things that people found in old houses

"I found a beautiful drawing during the bathroom renovation"

22 interesting things that people found in old houses
22 interesting things that people found in old houses

"I found these mysterious rings under the stairs in my grandfather's house"

22 interesting things that people found in old houses

"I suddenly found a safe under the floor. Unfortunately, there was only a spider web inside."

22 interesting things that people found in old houses

"We live in a 70-year-old house, and recently found this drawing under the stairs"

22 interesting things that people found in old houses

"Our house is about 100 years old. I found this key during the repair"

22 interesting things that people found in old houses

"I found a secret attic. The door leads to a room strewn with newspapers from the Second World War, there is a bed, and photographs hang on the walls"

22 interesting things that people found in old houses

"I was doing repairs in the basement, and found a mini-spa and Jacuzzi behind the wall"

22 interesting things that people found in old houses

"And I found an 1866 coin in the wall of the house during the renovation"

22 interesting things that people found in old houses

"A can of 1970s fanta with grape flavor. I don't know how she ended up under the bathroom of my house"

22 interesting things that people found in old houses

"A friend decided to replace his old carpet in the house, and found a door to the basement. He was delighted with the finds inside!"

22 interesting things that people found in old houses

"When they demolished part of the wall, they saw this wonderful drawing"

22 interesting things that people found in old houses

"And here is my find in my house of the 1930s. Just a chain in the wall that I found during the repair"

22 interesting things that people found in old houses

"I found a British gas mask from the Second World War in an old attic"

22 interesting things that people found in old houses

"My parents are remodeling the tiled floor in the kitchen, and they found this safe. It was empty"

22 interesting things that people found in old houses

"We stopped at a duplex in a building built in 1906. And here such beautiful batteries are installed."

22 interesting things that people found in old houses

"My 84-year-old father is renovating his house. He found these paintings on the walls — they date back to 1912."

22 interesting things that people found in old houses

"I bought a house 10 months ago. I found a sewer pipe disguised as a palm tree while working in the basement"

22 interesting things that people found in old houses

"And we found a retro dress in a secret closet"

22 interesting things that people found in old houses

"This is what the previous owners of the apartment left on the window in the toilet"

22 interesting things that people found in old houses

"We settled in a house built in 1916. We decided to update the flooring, and found this wonderful parquet."

22 interesting things that people found in old houses

"During the renovation of the house, my grandfather and I found a Purple Heart (US military award)"

22 interesting things that people found in old houses

"We were repairing a 100-year-old house, and suddenly we found, it seems, a samurai sword. It's still very sharp and heavy."

