It's no secret that cats tend to break down periodically. But it seems that the mustachioed heroes of our selection are strange by default. After all, how else to explain their unusual behavior?
"I'll just hang here. You don't mind, do you?"
"So what are you going to do to me?"
It's time to call an exorcist.
Ku Klux... meow?
"I'm not fat, just a wide bone."
One ring to rule all…
Step aside, man! Let the professional do his job.
Koto is a spider.
It's scary to even imagine what they are discussing…
Now your cat is fully charged.
So that's where people keep their spare cats!
The main thing is that it's warm.
His flexibility can only be envied.
No, it wasn't your imagination.
"Natasha, we have already treated everything. In general, everything."
Computer virus "Kotyan". Especially dangerous.
"I have to buy food for something!"
Invisible obstacles on the road.
You're not you when you want to drink tap water.
Not a fan of climbing through garbage cans, but a treasure hunter!
If your loved one doesn't look at you the way a cat looks at this pizza, then why do we need a relationship at all?