22 facts about alcohol, from which someone can sober up

Alcohol has been around for millennia, and there are a lot of facts associated with it - interesting, funny and not so much. Scientists exist in order to collect various facts and report them to the public — and the public already chooses how to dispose of these facts and what choice to make in their lives. Let's find out a few facts about alcohol, which were shared on Reddit.

22 facts about alcohol, from which someone can sober up
22 facts about alcohol, from which someone can sober up
22 facts about alcohol, from which someone can sober up
22 facts about alcohol, from which someone can sober up

While Adolf Hitler was one of the most popular teetotallers in the world, Sir Winston Churchill was one of the most famous drunkards

22 facts about alcohol, from which someone can sober up
22 facts about alcohol, from which someone can sober up

The character of Annie Wilkes in the movie "Misery" by Stephen King was the personification of his severe addiction to cocaine and alcohol

22 facts about alcohol, from which someone can sober up

Infants whose parents drink alcohol are twice as likely to die from SIDS - sudden infant death syndrome

22 facts about alcohol, from which someone can sober up

Mixing alcohol with cocaine triggers a chemical reaction in the liver, producing cocaethylene, an ester similar to cocaine. It is much more toxic, and many cases of fatal overdose may be associated with cocaine poisoning.

22 facts about alcohol, from which someone can sober up

An Australian beer company had to change the design of a beer bottle because male goldfish (insects) mated with the bottle, thinking it was a female. This oddity was noticed by two biologists in 1983

22 facts about alcohol, from which someone can sober up

The Devil's Chair is a bench at the grave in the cemetery in Cassadaga, USA. According to local legend, the closed beer left on the bench will be empty by morning — the devil will drink it

22 facts about alcohol, from which someone can sober up

The degree of contraction of the hippocampus, an area of the brain associated with memory and thinking, is related to the amount of alcohol consumed

22 facts about alcohol, from which someone can sober up

In the Czech Republic beer in pubs is cheaper than water and other drinks

22 facts about alcohol, from which someone can sober up

Once in Germany, a special town crier was hired. He asked the local population not to defecate into the river every time its water is taken to make beer

22 facts about alcohol, from which someone can sober up

In 1814, there was a "beer flood" in London — an industrial disaster that caused a tsunami of beer after a giant vat crashed in a local brewery. The flood claimed the lives of at least 8 people

22 facts about alcohol, from which someone can sober up

During the filming of the movie "Weirdos 3D", the whole team banned beer on the set to help Steve‑About with alcohol addiction

22 facts about alcohol, from which someone can sober up

Romanian alcoholic politician Gheorghe Kitsu drunkenly visited a dentist and had all his teeth removed

22 facts about alcohol, from which someone can sober up

Drunk man killed Abraham Lincoln's dog, Fido, a few months after killing the owner

22 facts about alcohol, from which someone can sober up

In the United States, more people die in drunk driving accidents on the night before Thanksgiving than on Christmas Day

22 facts about alcohol, from which someone can sober up

Fetal alcohol syndrome is a condition in a child that occurs as a result of exposure to alcohol during the mother's pregnancy. It causes brain damage and growth problems. The condition was discovered only in the mid-70s, and in 1988 the CDC determined that a fifth of women drank during pregnancy.

22 facts about alcohol, from which someone can sober up

In the mid‑1800s, Americans drank a huge amount of alcohol - the equivalent of 26 liters of pure ethanol per person per year

22 facts about alcohol, from which someone can sober up

The alcohol-related death rate in 2019 was the highest since the 1910s

22 facts about alcohol, from which someone can sober up

Bubbles in champagne are carbon dioxide distributed in the base (quiet) wine, which appears as a result of secondary fermentation. They appear after the addition of yeast and sugar - yeast absorbs sugar, releasing carbon dioxide

22 facts about alcohol, from which someone can sober up

A study conducted in 195 countries over a period of 26 years showed that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption. Scientists have recognized that moderate alcohol consumption can protect against heart disease, but found that the risk of cancer and other diseases outweighs these advantages.

22 facts about alcohol, from which someone can sober up

In 2004, a Taiwanese woman died after a 12-hour stay in a bathtub filled with 40% ethanol. Her blood alcohol content was 1.35%. They say she did it in desperation during the SARS epidemic.

22 facts about alcohol, from which someone can sober up

Fruit flies that regularly inhale alcohol vapors take longer and longer to reach a state of intoxication each time. In addition, it is known that after heavy intoxication, male flies show signs of homosexuality.

22 facts about alcohol, from which someone can sober up

Dark-colored alcohol is more likely to cause headaches than "pure" alcohol. Scientists conducted a study where participants drank an equal amount of alcohol - vodka and bourbon. 33% of bourbon drinkers reported a headache the next day, while only 3% of people who drank vodka had a hangover.

