22 cases when nature surprised in the most unexpected way
Although we don't realize it, the world is full of exciting things that can surprise. Even in everyday life, a person sometimes encounters unusual manifestations of nature, so much so that sometimes he does not believe his eyes. We have collected pictures of such unexpected finds in this material.

My cat has a heart-shaped pattern on his fur

"Found little papayas inside a papaya"
"This strawberry looks like a butterfly"
"I was on the beach and found a shell with growths similar to an anatomically correct heart."
Pumpkin — starfish
"I have grown a perfectly square salt crystal"
This strawberry shows a shaka gesture
Well, which one of them is a real bull terrier?
"A plant has hatched in my friend's truck"
I hit the jackpot in the food lottery: "I bought a box of bananas. Three of them merged into one"
"An almost perfectly round bird's nest that we found under our porch"
Is it a swan or a pumpkin?
A moth is sitting on this stick. 80 LVL of disguise!
It seems this broccoli has something to say... eat more vegetables!
"This red onion has a heart"
The watermelon has deteriorated and become covered with ominous patterns
"Today I found a smaller pepper in my Bulgarian pepper"
"I found a dandelion head that sprouted through both holes on my mower"
"This mushroom I found looks like Squidward from the animated series SpongeBob SquarePants"
Oddly long dandelion stem
This orange has a small orange with a peel inside
This sliced strawberry looks like a sunny baby from "Teletubbies"