20 the most unfortunate and mad designs of things familiar to us
There are designers who can turn even the most minor detail in a work of art! And there are — they are people from different categories... And below we have collected 20 photos that will allow you to see their "talents".

We do not envy the child wash this frightening washcloth-duck.
Why are her eyes so high?
"A thousand times I regretted that bought this line"
According to the designer, this t-shirt was supposed to be the inscription "Colors", but it turned out kind of hell.
These spoons you do not like?
Road somewhere in Romania...
This pill is for or against stress?
"I have several times almost drank is a means for disinfecting hands!"
It seems they forgot to remove.
Never buy a Cup of brown or black inside.
"This poster against alcohol consumption in my office looks like a menu and gives me a strong desire to drink"
This house has become perfectionists nightmares!
"This bike path in Zagreb, Croatia, hurts my eyes"
FODRNEELLEIINVEERY (in fact, "free online delivery" — free shipping online, but the brain of the reader is broken...)
Another disinfectant for the hands, which resembles more of a drink.
A long line went out.
But once seen, if busy...
What the original exhaust pipe...
It is a holder for soap, which nothing can hinder.
Collection of "Harry Potter" on DVD. Hey, Harry, where are you going?
Keywords: Things | Design | Compilation | Funny | Weird | Strange