20 photos of cats who have achieved Zen

Categories: Animals | Positive |

It doesn’t matter what you do, the most important thing is to be a master of your craft. For example, these cats have mastered the art of laziness. They know how to lie down all day and idle, and nothing can tear them away from this activity.

To be honest, sometimes we really want to be in their place.

20 photos of cats who have achieved Zen
20 photos of cats who have achieved Zen
1. I was too lazy to find a more comfortable place.

20 photos of cats who have achieved Zen
2. Is it a special skill to drink while lying down?

20 photos of cats who have achieved Zen
3. The poor guy was so tired that he fell asleep.

20 photos of cats who have achieved Zen
4. A homebody who gets off the couch to go to the litter box.

20 photos of cats who have achieved Zen
5. A thief who is not willing to put in much effort.

20 photos of cats who have achieved Zen
6. It doesn’t really interfere.

20 photos of cats who have achieved Zen
7. Endured the rain until the last moment.

20 photos of cats who have achieved Zen
8. I spent the whole day thinking about whether to get up or not.

20 photos of cats who have achieved Zen
9. A whole tunnel of laziness.

20 photos of cats who have achieved Zen
10. Why bother if you can eat anyway.

20 photos of cats who have achieved Zen
11. This sleepyhead gets out of bed no earlier than noon.

20 photos of cats who have achieved Zen
12. Even danger cannot make him move.

20 photos of cats who have achieved Zen
13. An ideal place to lazily watch passersby.

20 photos of cats who have achieved Zen
14. This cunning man took the place of the child and does not move.

20 photos of cats who have achieved Zen
15. How to disturb this fluffy?!

20 photos of cats who have achieved Zen
16. Experienced hunter.

20 photos of cats who have achieved Zen
17. Nature lover.

20 photos of cats who have achieved Zen
18. “Carry me and put me in that cozy place over there.”

20 photos of cats who have achieved Zen
19. Here's how to lie on the couch correctly.

20 photos of cats who have achieved Zen
20. Everyone is lazy. And even being lazy is too lazy.

