20 people who didn't have the best day

Categories: Positive |

We all sometimes have bad days — when you "got up on the wrong foot" and it seems that the whole world has turned against you. But after looking at the guys from our selection, you will understand that everything is not so bad. But they urgently need to solve something with their bad luck…

20 people who didn't have the best day
20 people who didn't have the best day

Everything that can go wrong will go wrong.

20 people who didn't have the best day

A desperate attempt to stop the train.

When stray dogs crash your car for no apparent reason.

20 people who didn't have the best day

It's going to hurt.

20 people who didn't have the best day

The best wedding photo.

20 people who didn't have the best day

It doesn't seem to work that way.

20 people who didn't have the best day

A second before the crash.

20 people who didn't have the best day

Will you find the same ones?

20 people who didn't have the best day

When the universe doesn't want you to get drunk.

20 people who didn't have the best day

How unlucky is the owner of this car.

20 people who didn't have the best day

It's disgusting!

20 people who didn't have the best day


20 people who didn't have the best day

When there is a cat at home.

20 people who didn't have the best day

The difficult part has arrived.

20 people who didn't have the best day

Hello, 911?

20 people who didn't have the best day

Monday morning without coffee.

20 people who didn't have the best day

Slightly miscalculated.

20 people who didn't have the best day

If you think you're having a bad day, think again.

20 people who didn't have the best day

The driver of the car has not noticed yet.

20 people who didn't have the best day

They just wanted a good photo for Instagram.

Keywords: Compilation | Funny | Photo collection | Jokes | Humor

