20 Most Useful Kitchen Gadgets
1. You have the perfect kitchen in front of you. Well, or here is a link to a site where there are other cuisines. But no matter how perfect the kitchen is, it is not the furniture that defines it, but the kitchen utensils and appliances. What can be useful in such an ideal interior?
2. Adjustable measuring cup. Just set the desired volume and you do not have to use a bunch of cups and mugs.
" />3. The holder of tea bags in the form of a snail. It's not helpful, but it's so cute. " /> 4. Avocado cutter. To cut an avocado into perfect cubes. " /> 5. Literally - the guardian of your fingers. With this gadget, you can not be afraid to cut yourself. " />6. Butter cutter. With just one click, you will get an even square of butter on your sandwich. " /> 7. Plate for cereal with milk. Now your cereal will always be crispy, not soggy and soft. " />8. Figured waffle iron. Your kids will love these original waffles. " />9. Egg cooker. Boils eggs quickly and easily. " />10. Egg separator. There is probably no more original way to separate the whites from the yolks. " /> 11. The holder for the tablet on the refrigerator. You can cook and watch a cooking show or a movie.12. Another cute invention is the hedgehog-shaped toothpick holder.
" />13. Toaster Darth Vader. May the force be with you.14. Bag holder. Genius invention.
15. Peeler for corn. You can cut fresh corn into a salad, and not buy canned.
16. Do you know how to make the perfect scrambled eggs? With this device.
17. Original baking dish.
18. Mr. Chai. Very helpful guy.
" />19. Cleaning trap. Very comfortably.20. Shark fin cubes that can be made with this awesome cookie cutter.