20 extraordinary photos that break all known laws of physics

Categories: World |

There are pictures to be looked at, and in my head there is only one question: how? What is happening in these pictures is so incredible that they seem to violate all conceivable laws of physics. But, it turns out, it is the knowledge of the basic rules of physics course allows you to do amazing things that before we only saw in fairy tales and movies with special effects.

We have collected for you 20 pictures you won't believe your eyes!

20 extraordinary photos that break all known laws of physics
20 extraordinary photos that break all known laws of physics

It seems the roof is a little left.

20 extraordinary photos that break all known laws of physics

Player jenga 80 level.

20 extraordinary photos that break all known laws of physics

Dare to go there?

20 extraordinary photos that break all known laws of physics

Just a ball. Just hammered a nail.

20 extraordinary photos that break all known laws of physics

The conqueror waves.

20 extraordinary photos that break all known laws of physics

Stones who know Zen.

20 extraordinary photos that break all known laws of physics

He just wanted to get back.

20 extraordinary photos that break all known laws of physics

A good shot.

20 extraordinary photos that break all known laws of physics

Mountain goats spit on your grav.

20 extraordinary photos that break all known laws of physics

And, just a machine on the wall... wait, what?

20 extraordinary photos that break all known laws of physics

On the same thought.

20 extraordinary photos that break all known laws of physics

The little mermaid is not the same.

20 extraordinary photos that break all known laws of physics

Drank some water during the flight.

20 extraordinary photos that break all known laws of physics

Glass physics.

20 extraordinary photos that break all known laws of physics

Two of the world.

20 extraordinary photos that break all known laws of physics

Very handy stand.

20 extraordinary photos that break all known laws of physics

Weightless dog.

20 extraordinary photos that break all known laws of physics

You've dabbled in?

20 extraordinary photos that break all known laws of physics

The underwater Moses bridge, the Netherlands.

20 extraordinary photos that break all known laws of physics

Ah! No... it's Ah-Ah-Ah!

Keywords: Law | Awesome | Physics

