20 designers who screwed the pooch on creating their "masterpieces"
The people who come up with these brilliant things are clearly some problems with his head... How else to explain absolutely meaningless designs from the slide leading to nowhere, ending the plates with the image of ants?
See for yourself!

According to the author of this project and man in a wheelchair would be easy to climb on a winding staircase with steps.

Your life became even more difficult.
The entrance to the shower width shoes -- to get there, have to try very hard.
Somehow this photo evokes such sadness...
What a pervert worked on in these booths?
And here are the plates. Let the designer is one of them eats.
This escalator leads directly into the wall.
Is the pregnancy test. If you are still in doubt.
But not corny.
Harsh Playground.
For completeness, not enough only castle.
Winnie-the-Pooh from a horror movie.
And you would buy that?
It seems the creators of this furniture not everything is thought through to the end...
For some unknown reasons, the handle of this glass is located in a most uncomfortable place...
Another failed children's slide.
The author of this coloring book that even vulgar!
The range on the volume control somehow shifted to the left... It will drive crazy any perfectionist.
Why are children so unlucky?
Where does this crosswalk?
Keywords: Designers | Funny | Bloopers | Compilation | Funny fails pictures | Humor