16 Cool Examples of Unconventional Marketing

Categories: Positive | World |

Marketing can be very expensive, but fortunately, there is always an alternative - certain tricks that do not require much expenditure. Guerrilla marketing is a low-cost strategy that relies on using original ideas. The term was coined by American advertiser Jay Conrad Levinson.

16 Cool Examples of Unconventional Marketing

How does it work? A witty message and unconventional approach make an indelible impression on buyers. Want to understand what we're talking about? We have selected several interesting examples.

16 Cool Examples of Unconventional Marketing
Organic boomerangs.

16 Cool Examples of Unconventional Marketing
Breaking Bad fans get a discount!

16 Cool Examples of Unconventional Marketing
“Talk to me, I’m in the mood to lie in bed!” I think the tea is trying to glue me together
