15 Examples of Ingenious Advertising You Should Look Twice
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We believe that successful advertising must be unusual and incredibly creative. In fact, the main thing is that the message is as simple and clear as possible. And when you look at such advertising, you don't need any additional information. The only thought that remains is: “How cool and incredibly simple this is!”
We've collected 15 stunning examples of advertising for various products and events that are worth a look twice, and maybe even three times.
Illusion - if in 35 years about 5 billion people are deprived of drinking water, will you just look at it? Snow White and Sherlock Holmes. Advertisement for a book exchange service: “Come with your story and leave with another.” Advertising for a Jeep SUV. Garnier Fructis shampoo for all hair types. Audiobook advertisement: "William Shakespeare in your headphones." Whiskas cat food advertisement. Night at the Vincent Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. AIAIAI Headphone Ad: “Making Sound Sexier Since 2006.” FIAT social advertisement: “You see either a letter or a girl. Don't text while driving." Schick razor ad: “Free your skin.” Durex condom ad: “Turn off the lights. Let's start! Optics manufacturer Ozeal: “Just look smart.” Sennheiser headphones: “Smile more.” Canadian water park: “What a ride.” Cream for sexy knees. And legs in general.