15 dogs that tried to be good and obedient, but something went wrong

Categories: Animals | Positive |

Dogs, unlike many other animals, are able to comply with the requirements of the owners and even to execute the commands. But sometimes they also want to get a little crazy... 15 examples of situations where someone wanted to be a "good boy", but it did not work, you can see below.

15 dogs that tried to be good and obedient, but something went wrong
15 dogs that tried to be good and obedient, but something went wrong
15 dogs that tried to be good and obedient, but something went wrong
15 dogs that tried to be good and obedient, but something went wrong

The most convenient place in the apartment.

15 dogs that tried to be good and obedient, but something went wrong
15 dogs that tried to be good and obedient, but something went wrong

Don't know what for, but, certainly, something serious...

15 dogs that tried to be good and obedient, but something went wrong

It was supposed to be a family photos.

The idea is that the dog was supposed to be guarding the yard...

15 dogs that tried to be good and obedient, but something went wrong

A sign warns about bad dogs, but they don't seem so evil.

15 dogs that tried to be good and obedient, but something went wrong

Big brother "blocked" the passage younger and not even going to go.

15 dogs that tried to be good and obedient, but something went wrong

"In the meantime, our grandmother was looking for my dentures..."

15 dogs that tried to be good and obedient, but something went wrong

"I decided to check whether my dog some skills watchdog, and sent her acquaintance. Here are some photos he sent to me on the phone. It seems like someone failed the test..."

15 dogs that tried to be good and obedient, but something went wrong

Because you're so comfortable.

15 dogs that tried to be good and obedient, but something went wrong

Took the ball from her sister and even sat on her head!

15 dogs that tried to be good and obedient, but something went wrong

"He just locked himself inside the car"

15 dogs that tried to be good and obedient, but something went wrong

"So my dog shows that he does not want to leave the walk".

15 dogs that tried to be good and obedient, but something went wrong

"It was my new lipstick"

15 dogs that tried to be good and obedient, but something went wrong

"It's not me!"

15 dogs that tried to be good and obedient, but something went wrong

"No! Are you serious?!"

Keywords: Pets | Funny animal compilation | Dog funny | Dog pictures | Humor

