15 cats who hate selfies with people

Categories: Animals | Positive | World |

Cats aren't dogs, it's a completely different character and mindset Pets. Rather, they allow us to love, and if they don't like something, I am not afraid to show it. This is particularly evident in moments when we want to show them your love. Or to announce it to the whole world in a photo. But it seems that cats have a different opinion on this matter and they don't really like to do a selfie...

15 cats who hate selfies with people
15 cats who hate selfies with people
15 cats who hate selfies with people
15 cats who hate selfies with people

All written on his face

15 cats who hate selfies with people
15 cats who hate selfies with people

He's not very photogenic

15 cats who hate selfies with people


Apparently, this is not his first selfie

15 cats who hate selfies with people

And this is not even 10-e

15 cats who hate selfies with people

I think he hates everyone

15 cats who hate selfies with people

And this is like a curse

15 cats who hate selfies with people

He made clear his attitude

15 cats who hate selfies with people

He's already planning revenge

15 cats who hate selfies with people

Even feel sorry for him

15 cats who hate selfies with people

He worketh patience

15 cats who hate selfies with people

And then patience

15 cats who hate selfies with people

He didn't expect

15 cats who hate selfies with people

Not very romantic ivory

15 cats who hate selfies with people

Sphinx is better not to joke

Keywords: Cats | Selfie | Funny

