15 Best Coincidences Captured By This Street Photographer

Categories: Art | People | Photo project | Positive | Society | World |

Isn't it fascinating how reality mirrors our thoughts? For example, if you think that everyone is super cheery, you will start to notice more and more people who are smiling. Or if you view life as miserable, everything will seem to prove you right.

Well, for Pau Buscato, a street photographer from Barcelona, the world is full of delightful coincidences. In Buscato's case, we don't have to take his word for it, as the photographer captures it all through his lens. In a previous interview, Buscato shared his approach to capturing such images: "It's a very open process that demands full awareness and fresh eyes, to see the ordinary lives of real people not just for what they are, but also for what they can become when photographed."

Without further ado, we invite you to dive into the best works by Buscato that were captured between the years 2014 and 2023.

More info: Instagram | Paubuscato


15 Best Coincidences Captured By This Street Photographer


15 Best Coincidences Captured By This Street Photographer


15 Best Coincidences Captured By This Street Photographer


15 Best Coincidences Captured By This Street Photographer


15 Best Coincidences Captured By This Street Photographer


15 Best Coincidences Captured By This Street Photographer


15 Best Coincidences Captured By This Street Photographer


15 Best Coincidences Captured By This Street Photographer


15 Best Coincidences Captured By This Street Photographer


15 Best Coincidences Captured By This Street Photographer


15 Best Coincidences Captured By This Street Photographer


15 Best Coincidences Captured By This Street Photographer


15 Best Coincidences Captured By This Street Photographer


15 Best Coincidences Captured By This Street Photographer


15 Best Coincidences Captured By This Street Photographer


Keywords: Best Coincidences | Photo captures | Street photographs | Street photography | Interesting photos

